Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Swiss and Avocado Lamb Burger

J picks me up from work on his way home, and every once in a while he will stay later than expected, and later than I want to stay.  So yesterday I knew he was going to be late but I was ready to go so I just left at my quitting time and started walking around downtown and I decided I would go to the specialty grocery store downtown and go ahead and get groceries to make dinner.  As I walked past the meat counter it was very evident that it was all way over priced, except for the lamb, which was expensive but not any more so than the supermarket.  So I thought, lamb it is.

¾ lb ground lamb
¼ tsp ground thyme
Salt and pepper to taste
A few dashes of hot sauce
½ avocado
2 slices swiss cheese
2 tbs mustard
2 hamburger buns

Mix the lamb, seasonings and hot sauce in a bowl until well mixed.  Divide the meat and make two patties.

Lamb is very greasy so I use one of those cast iron skillets with the ridges in it so the burger doesn’t sit in the grease and fry.

Heat the skillet to medium heat then put the burgers on.  Cook for 8 minutes on each side for a medium burger.  A couple times while the burgers were cooking I soaked up some of the excess oil with a paper towel to keep from frying the meat.
With about 1 minute left to cook, add the slices of cheese to the burgers so that it melts a little.

Slather the mustard on each bun and assemble the burger with sliced avocados.

Serves 2, 675 calories, 33 g fat

The lamb was front and center here, so if you don’t like the strong flavor of lamb, I recommend using beef or turkey because you probably won’t like this.

Lamb isn’t really the best meat for you, it’s pretty high in calories and fat, but if you plan your day accordingly there is no reason to splurge every once in a while on a dinner that is a little bit higher in calories than normal.

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