Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bad Day

So the closing on our house was supposed to be three weeks ago. It was pushed back two weeks and we found out the day before we were planning on moving out, so we were able to stay in the house for the two weeks then moved out. Since we weren't able to move into our new house for another three weeks we moved in with my aunt. The day before closing attempt two, the lending company asked for another week extension, which I was pissed about but granted. Now it's the day before closing attempt three and after I denied a third extension the lending company decided to tell us that the loan had actually been denied. What? The house was under contract for two months and the day before closing, after three weeks of extensions, you realize their preapproved loan was not actually approved?

So because of all the moving and now staying with my aunt I haven't really been cooking much, definitely nothing worth writing about, and it was all for no reason. To top it all off I've gained two lbs, and I do not know that I will be able to resist eating an entire cake tonight.


  1. BOOOO on loans and lending companies! :(
    Rachel vR

  2. Yeah that's pretty much how I feel Rachel. My realtor is working on finding another lender for the buyers so hopefully it's not the end of the world yet. And I only ate one (large) piece of cheesecake, pumpkin, so I didn't do too bad. I was inspired by it to try to make a fresh pumpkin pie, so be watching for that.

  3. Make something greasy and fattening :)
