Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fish Tacos with Jicama Slaw

I don’t really eat much fish but I know I should.  So every once in a while I buy some and then end up having to put it in the freezer because it never actually sounds good.  I am going to tell on my husband right now.  Yesterday he went out for lunch and ate oh probably 2000 calories in one meal.  So needless to say, he didn’t need much for dinner last night.  Since he is the one that usually vetoes the fish, I went ahead and cooked it last night since he wasn’t eating much.  

2 tilapia filets
Garlic powder
Onion powder
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
1/3 cup jicama, julienned
1/3 cup carrots, julienned
¼ cup red onion, thinly diced
2 tbs cilantro, chopped
Juice from 1 lime
Small handful of shredded cheese (I am still using that dang Manchego cheese, it is like never ending)
4 corn tortillas

Heat olive oil in a skillet to medium-high heat.  I like to use a cast-iron skillet that has ridges in it, that way I can get char marks on the fish.  So depending on what type of pan you use will determine how much oil to add.  For this type of pan I add enough oil so that the ridges are able to get oiled by tilting the pan a bunch first, but the fish won’t be sitting in oil while it’s cooking.  Season both sides of the fish with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper then cook in the pan until flaky.

For the jicama slaw, I prefer to cook the red onion for a couple minutes to take the bite off, but if you like raw onion then that isn’t necessary.  I do it in the same pan I will cook/cooked the fish in.  Mix the julienned vegetables, red onion, cilantro and lime juice.  Season with salt to taste.

Slice the fish and assemble in 4 warmed tortillas with the slaw and cheese. 

Serves 2, 335 calories, 8 g fat

This turned out pretty decent, but I think I overstuffed the tortillas.  This may have been more lady like to eat it in 3 tortillas each and the tortillas I got were only 35 calories each so no biggie.  I have noticed sometimes diets make you forget to eat like a lady, good thing I am already married, sorry J.

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